

How to Clean Your AC’s Evaporator Coils

Having a properly working air conditioner has become an essential component of most of our lives, which means preventative maintenance performed on your equipment on a regular basis. When maintaining your equipment, something easy to overlook is the evaporator coil, which will need to be occasionally cleaned to keep up your unit’s effectiveness and efficiency levels.  But not everyone knows how to clean evaporator coil systems, and it’s often something that’s better left to technicians. But if you’d like to […]

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Why Your AC Keeps Blowing Fuses

When your HVAC technician lets you know that your AC keeps blowing fuses, you may not fully understand what that means. It’s important to realize that a fuse does not fail without reason. If your air conditioner keeps blowing fuses, the amperage has likely exceeded the limits of the fuse.  If you think you may have blown a fuse in your HVAC system, you can look at our website and schedule a service call. Your HVAC system will have multiple

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How long does a tankless water heater last?

Tankless water heaters have made their mark on the world, slowly pushing the traditional water heaters to the back of our minds. If you have researched the cost of a tankless water heater, you know that the selling price is sometimes more than a traditional water heater. But does it make up for this in the savings you will get over the course of its usage? And what is the average lifespan of a tankless water heater? If it’s well

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Smart Thermostat vs. Programmable Thermostat

         We have all seen the commercials and the ads for the newest and coolest smart thermostat. But which one should you go with, smart thermostat vs. programmable thermostat? One will learn what you want your HVAC system to do and will do it for you. The other one you can control from your phone, no matter where you are in the world. These things all seem cool, but is it just unnecessary flashiness? Couldn’t we achieve the same concept

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The Pros and Cons of Air Purifiers

         Our world today is plagued by pollutants in our air. You hear about it on tv, on social media, even from your friends and family. But what about your home, have you thought about what type of pollutants and bad things you have floating around in your home? Have you ever considered purchasing an air purifier to have clean air in your home? Looked into the air purifier pros and cons? We will discuss all the good and bad

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