

Are Air Purifiers Safe for Homes with Pets?

Having a pet in your home can be a wonderful experience. Most of us have pets and know how much of a joy they are to have around. However, if you have pets, you know that they can also cause you some issues, such as pet dander, loose hair, and bringing pollen into your home. What would be the best way to solve this? An air purifier, but the question is, is there a safe air purifier for home with […]

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Experts Guide on How to Install a Whole House Humidifier

        Have you considered whether you need a humidifier in your home? Do you know how to install a whole house humidifier? As the weather reminds us that winter is coming, the air will become drier. As we run the heaters in our homes, it will continue to dry the air out even more. Overly dry air can cause sinus issues, cracked lips, dry skin, and can even cause wooden furniture to shrink and crack, causing damage. A popular solution to

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Can You Wash A HEPA Air Filter?

Is there a way to wash or clean your HEPA air filter, and how do you do it?          HEPA filters can be expensive, which means that you will want to get all the use out of it that you can by keeping them clean and functional. So, the question is can you wash a HEPA filter? Or is there an acceptable way to clean a HEPA air filter? The professionals at Clover Contracting are always happy to answer any

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HEPA vs. True HEPA: What is the Difference?

Most people haven’t taken an in-depth look at what makes a filter a HEPA grade or true HEPA grade filter and the differences between them. This is pretty understandable, but it’s important to properly compare Hepa vs. true HEPA to decide which one you want to use in your home.  There may never be a more important time in your life than right now to worry about the quality of the air that you’re breathing. When looking at air purifiers,

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Garbage Disposal Maintenance Tips

Anyone who has had a garbage disposal unit break down understands how inconvenient it is when this small device fails. This tends to happen when homeowners are unaware of how to properly use it. It’s not difficult to troubleshoot your trash disposal, but preventing clogs is always preferable to fixing a garbage disposal. Knowing just a few garbage disposal maintenance tips is a great way to make sure your system is functioning just like it should. Avoiding clog-causing usage and

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