

The Best Ways To Heat A Shed in Winter

For many homeowners, sheds are the best storage solution available. All kinds of yard equipment can be placed in them and if you need another room quickly, a shed can make a great spot for an office.  But, regardless of how you use it and for how long, coming winters often make homeowners look into how to turn the little building into a heated shed. Fortunately, there are many different ways you can do just that, with space heaters being […]

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drain cleaner

Does Drain Cleaner Damage Pipes?

Clogged pipes are an irritatingly frequent issue that many homeowners and business owners are bound to face. In the best-case scenario, they slow down how the water flows down the drains.  But with many worse issues that can happen due to clogs, it’s no wonder why people turn to commercial drain cleaners. Some people wonder: if it’s so effective against clogs, is drain cleaner safe for pipes too? This article will answer this question as well as provide a few

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Pros and Cons of Having A Garbage Disposal

First created back in 1927, these units have slowly grown in popularity until they practically became a necessity throughout the United States, despite its few design and technology upgrades.  But, just because garbage disposals are popular today doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for your condition. What are some of the pros and cons of garbage disposal units that can help you in your kitchen? We understand that each homeowner has their own conditions and circumstances that can affect how they use

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4 Common Plumbing Scams & How to Avoid Them

Plumbing work is often an intensive job. The technicians and plumbers that are properly certified to do work need to pay quite a lot for their training, licensing, and equipment. The work they do isn’t cheap but it often can be quite tiring and extensive, which is why even small jobs can cost hundreds of dollars. However, among all the trained plumbers, there are many undertrained or even fake plumbers that charge the same rates. They pull a variety of

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What Causes Noise From Pipes When a Toilet Flushes?

Our toilets are one of the most important fixtures we have in our homes and businesses. Whether we’re busy working or relaxing at home, using a toilet is something we do every day. So, if something happens to it or if odd sounds are coming from the fixture, we know right away that something’s wrong with the toilet or its plumbing. Thankfully, most causes of noisy pipes when the toilet flushes are simple and can easily be fixed with the

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